Thank you so much for your patience as we worked through this! Mike Rice and I have what we feel is the best game plan as you can see below.
Thursday of The Spring LODRS Las Vegas Race after Q2 we will run Winternationals to completion of the following categories:
Top Dragster: 10 Cars Left (Round in Progress)
Super Comp: 15 Cars Left
Super Gas: 14 Cars Left
Top Sportsman: 10 Cars Left
Stock: 7 Cars Left
Super Stock: 7 Cars Left
Friday of Las Vegas Four Wide Race after Q2 we will run Winternationals to completion of the following categories:
Comp: 9 Cars Left
Factory Stock Showdown:
The Pro's will run their race during the Arizona National Event in Phoenix!
After looking at what National Events you racers that are still in competition are registered for between Phoenix and Vegas, seeing how the schedule for the National Events are set and Quotas are maxed out we felt this was the best option for the larger group. It allows for a little more time to get prepped and travel plans made as well.
Please see the information below on Entry Fee, Points & Purse and how it works with a rescheduled event.
Entry fee:
If a driver was still eligible for further competition but did not return to a rescheduled event, their event entry fees from postponed event will automatically be transferred to another NHRA National Event without penalty (offer does not apply to non-qualifiers or round losers from original scheduled date).
Points and Purse:
TAD, TAFC, Comp, SS, Stock, SC, SG, SST, TD, and TS
If an event is postponed for any reason prior to the start of eliminations for that category, it is necessary that any vehicle and driver still eligible for event competition be in attendance and participate at the rescheduled date to be eligible for all points and cash awards based on eliminator competition. Drivers unable to return but still eligible for competition, will be granted an automatic withdrawal - earning no points - and the event will NOT be charged to their event quota. If a driver does not wish to be withdrawn from the postponed event and desires to receive points earned up until the point of cancellation, driver must contact the event Division Director or NHRA Competition Department within 24-hours.
Points and cash awards are based on a round-loss basis, not simply on qualifying. Non-qualifiers in TAD, TAFC, Comp, SS, Stock, TS and TD will receive 10 points regardless of whether an event is postponed and rescheduled. Withdrawal policy does not apply. If eliminations were in progress at the time of postponement, a winning driver unable to return will receive round money (and points if requested) as if the driver had lost in the first round contested at the resumed event (regardless of actual round number).
Sportsman driver points are awarded in the chronological order a driver completes each event. For example, if event “A” is postponed until after event “B”, those drivers still eligible for competition at the rescheduled event will be awarded points for event “B” prior to event “A”. Drivers losing in event “A” prior to postponement will have event “A” points awarded prior to event “B”.
Again thank you so much for your patience and understanding during this. Please respond back to this email so I have an idea of who will be joining us for the completion of the 2024 Winternationals at Las Vegas Motor Speedway. And a huge thank you to Jeff Foster at Las Vegas for being so open to hosting and completing this race with us!